A mission to advance soil health
Land Core is a 501(c)3 organization with a mission to advance soil health policies and programs that create value for farmers, businesses and communities.
We’re building the missing infrastructure and market-based incentives that will make the rapid adoption and scalability of soil health possible.
Why soil health
No soil, no farms, no food.
America is losing 1.7 billion tons of topsoil from croplands every year, windswept and washed away 10 times faster than it is replenished. At this rate, America has an aggregated 60 years of harvests left.
Farmers are struggling harder than ever.
U.S. net farm income has dropped by 50% in the last four years. Farmers are increasingly reliant on much-needed, but increasingly costly taxpayer-funded crop insurance.
Food security is national security.
With no topsoil, American farmers, the economy and our food security are at risk. Billions of dollars in lost revenue, millions of lost jobs and all domestic food production are on the line.
Supply chains are at risk.
Supply chains are at risk, threatening the security of countless employees, business owners, investors & insurers across all industries that rely on agriculture.
Land Core is developing a range of programs that put land, and the people who steward it, at the center.
Making our public infrastructure work for all producers through policy development and recommendations that emphasize market-based incentives over endless subsidies.
Risk Modeling
Building an actuarially-sound, predictive model of the risk mitigating benefits of soil health, as a tool to inform lenders and insurers.
Educating key stakeholders about the importance of soil health and amplifying the most opportune calls-to-action.