Land Core Newsletter - Winter 2023


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

To start the year off on a positive note, a new report from Yale titled “Climate Change in the American Mind: Politics & Policy” found that 84% of registered voters (including 91% of moderate Republicans and 92% of moderate Democrats) support “providing federal funding to help farmers improve practices to protect and restore the soil so it absorbs more carbon”.

This research builds on a recent poll conducted on behalf of the Walton Family Foundation, showing that nearly 90% of Americans believe that it’s “important to update the agricultural system to encourage sustainable farming practices that support clean water and healthy, productive soil.” Roughly 80% of Americans also support “modernizing the Farm Bill to support farmers as they implement more sustainable farming practices.” 

As you know, Land Core has long highlighted soil health as a “common ground” policy issue. 

With the vast majority of Americans in agreement, clearly, this is our year to advance soil health for all Americans - in the 2023 Farm Bill and beyond. Thank you for joining us.

The Land Core Team

Major Redesign of Federal Soil Health Bill Tracker

For those who have used our Federal Soil Health Bill Tracker over the last two years (and everyone else), you are in for a treat! After some months of work, we are thrilled to share a major redesign of our bill tracker. This update brings our tracker from a spreadsheet to an interactive tool with search and filtering features, available for use on desktop and mobile.

This release focuses on the “Bills'' feature, and contains over 200 pieces of legislation. We will soon add the “Legislators” feature, which allows you to see which bills each lawmaker is sponsoring and cosponsoring from the bills included in our tracker. For now, you can still find an archived (i.e. not updated in 2023) version of the legislators feature in the original tracker. Learn more in our latest blog post →

Policy Calls to Action


Petition to Regenerate America
This year, Congress will write our next farm bill. The farm bill governs the way our food is produced, distributed, and consumed, and plays a major role in determining whether we advance policies & programs that support farmers in building soil health - or hinder them. 

Ask Congress to support regenerative agriculture in the next farm bill – and help the Regenerate America™ coalition get 100,000 individual signatures! Sign the petition here →

Protect $20 Billion for Ag Conservation and Climate-Smart Ag 
Organizations and companies, big and small, are invited to sign on to the letter below to show your support for protecting the historic level of funding for essential Farm Bill conservation programs that was included in the Inflation Reduction Act and ensuring that this funding does not get cut in the 2023 Farm Bill. Current deadline for sign on is COB 2/14/23 but is subject to change. Sign on to the letter here →

Policy News

Major soil health legislation passes in FY2023 Appropriations Bill
The bill, signed into law on Dec 29, 2022, includes the bipartisan Growing Climate Solutions Act (GCSA), and the SUSTAINS Act – important priorities for Chairwoman Stabenow and Chairman Thompson, respectively. The GCSA makes strides to provide federal support for the development of carbon markets to encourage a transition to more sustainable ag, while the SUSTAINS Act encourages private funding for USDA conservation programs. Read more here or see our tracker.

Agriculture Committee Assignments
With each new Congress, comes a shake up of Members appointed to the important Agriculture Committees. See PoliticoPro’s Morning Agriculture for the full list of House GOP members, now in the Majority. See a partial list of House Dems here. The Senate Ag Committee has 21 members returning, and welcomes two new members: Senators Peter Welch (VT) and John Fetterman (PA). Read more from Ranking Member Boozman.

Farm Bill Hearings Heat Up
Based on our conversations with Congressional offices, we know that we can expect a significant number of Farm Bill hearings this year, both in Washington, D.C., and across the country in “field” hearings. Stay tuned to House Ag Committee & Senate Ag Committee news - and sharpen your talking points. 

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It)!

Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) recommendations submitted
In December, Land Core helped prepare a set of recommendations to USDA-NRCS calling for the IRA funds to support soil health and regenerative agriculture. The recommendations, prepared in response to NRCS’ request for input, were submitted on behalf of the 113 members of the Regenerate America™ coalition, and an additional 39 non-coalition organizations and businesses. The comments were prepared following consultation with producers across the country as well as high-level NRCS staff. 

A huge thank you to all organizations and individuals who supported these recommendations!

Land Core 2022 Year in Review
Check out our snapshot from the past year of growth for our organization. Thank you for supporting our work in 2022! Review the YIR →

What We're Reading

USDA Announces Major Program Improvements, Progress, and Investments to Benefit American Farmers, Ranchers, and Producers 
January 9, 2023 | USDA

Can This Beef Cooperative Become ‘the West’s Largest Climate-Smart Ranching Program’?
January 10, 2023 | By: Caroline Tracey, Civil Eats

Op-ed: Some Regenerative Farms Are Weathering California’s Unprecedented Rainfall
January 13, 2023 | By: Ryan Peterson, Civil Eats

Record-High Crop Insurance Subsidies Are Unsustainable
January 27, 2023 | By: National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition  

Managed Rotational Grazing Policies: An Overview of Farm Bill Programs to Support Regenerative Agriculture
January 2023 | By: Jenileigh Harris, Vermont Law and Graduate School 

No major changes expected for conservation programs in new farm bill
January 23, 2023 | By: Martha Blum, AgriNews

Op-ed: Want an Agtech Revolution? Center Farmworkers’ Expertise
January 23, 2023 | By: Erik Nicholson and Alexia Estrada, Civil Eats

Kristin Ohlson Wants Us to Reimagine Collaboration on the Land
By: January 11, 2023 | By: Lee van der Doo, Civil Eats

Get Involved

🌾 Donate to Land Core! Support our programs to advance soil health in 2022 and beyond.

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🌾 Explore our Federal Soil Health Bill Tracker and sign up for monthly soil health legislation updates delivered to your inbox.

🌾 Write a Letter to the Editor voicing your support for soil health.