Land Core 2024 Year in Review
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It’s with pride and gratitude that we look back and take stock on another momentous year for soil health.
Although political deadlock in 2024 pushed the Farm Bill (that only comes once every 5 years, and guides government funding and engagement in US agriculture) out another year, there is no denying that on the issue of soil health, we saw an exceptional year of growth, including unprecedented bipartisan support for federal policies, as well as increased adoption of soil health practices on farms and ranches across the country.
Just to give some perspective, in the 2018 Farm Bill, there were just a handful of bills related to soil health. In the last (118th) Congress, there were over 260 bills introduced with soil health as a central or related theme. That is something that we can all agree is a significant shift forward. There is a growing understanding in DC, across both parties, that the profitability and resilience of our agricultural sector is literally built on the foundation of our soils.
On the risk modeling front, the Land Core Risk Model team has continued in full force, as we entered our second year of grant support from the Foundation of Food & Agriculture Research and USDA-AFRI. The technical team significantly expanded the scope of their statistical modeling and analysis, and we publicly released the first academic paper behind the research, as well as an early beta version of the modeling tool! We’re extremely proud to continue leading this effort quantifying the risk-reducing benefits of soil health practices and to make those findings available to all.
We’re also excited to see the increased interest and recognition of our work from financial institutions, insurers and policymakers, who understand that incentivizing practices that lower risk on the farm is better business. We’re motivated to continue to research, advocate and support this blossoming space, alongside our stellar academic partners.
We are grateful to all the farmers and ranchers who steward the land, and of course to our partners and funders, without whom we would not be able to do this work.
Read on for a recap of highlights from 2024, and a look at the year ahead.
With gratitude,
Aria McLauchlan & Harley Cross
Co-Founders, Land Core
There’s still time to make a gift to support our year ahead! We invite you to continue on this journey with us by making a tax-deductible donation to Land Core today.
In 2025, your support will help us:
Ensure the inclusion of essential bills for soil health in the Farm Bill and beyond, by continuing to build and leverage bipartisan support
Expand development of the Land Core Risk Model, as well as continue to share its successes and expand partnerships
Make and share new science-led education and resources to support, develop, and grow the range of stakeholders advancing and investing in soil health