Land Core Risk Model: Manuscript Pre-Print Now Available!


Photo: Glenn Carstens-Peters (Unsplash)

Risk Model Team’s First Manuscript Now Available as a Pre-Print!

We're thrilled to share that our team’s first academic manuscript, titled “Diversified crop rotations mitigate agricultural losses from dry weather,” has been submitted for peer review!

In the meantime, the "pre-print" manuscript is available on agriRxiv.

The paper explores the ability of more diverse crop rotations to protect against corn yield loss in drought conditions in the midwestern US, and how this soil health practice can be used as a risk-mitigation tool.

Questions about the manuscript? Contact corresponding author Dr. Tim Bowles at

Questions about the Land Core Risk Model Project? Contact

A big congrats and thank you to the co-authors and the entire team for their continued hard work and dedication to create a more resilient agricultural system.

Thank you as well to our funders, including Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (AFRI) and our network of family foundation supporters, for making this work possible.

You can now also view the beta version of the online, interactive Risk Model Soil Health Tool! Check out the tool here, and see our blog post for more information.